
  • Culture

    Our Values

    Corporate values are often defined retrospectively in response to trends or expectations. Yet, rarely do they form the core of a company’s culture from the beginning. Such an approach turns values into empty promises, nothing more than a shiny image…

  • Culture

    Pitfalls of Salary Development

    In a world where the cost of living continuously rises, salary development remains a central concern for workers globally. Particularly in Germany, a country known for its strong economy and high standard of living, the discrepancy between salary increases and…

  • Culture

    Taking a Stand for Cultural Diversity

    From the “Ancient Empire”… Collaboration across cultural boundaries has led to some of humanity’s greatest achievements throughout history. Starting with the construction of the Pyramids in Egypt, where thousands of workers, artisans and architects from different parts of the empire…

  • Collaboration,  Culture

    Remote work and health

    Recent surveys by DAK Gesundheit indicate that the sick leave rate in 2023 across various professional groups, including IT, was at a record high. While the average sick leave rate across all professions was 5.5 percent, IT jobs showed the…